Provide the best software to recover passwords for
Windows, SQL Server, PDF, Word, Excel, Outlook, FTP, Email, etc.
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Affiliate is a provider of password recovery utilities products designed for recovering, resetting and unlock lost or forgotten passwords for Windows, PDF, Office, Instant Messenger, Email, etc. Our products' powerfulness and low-prices will benefit all computer users in the home, SoHo and Business markets.

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  • Earn up to 50% or above commission for each sale through your affiliate link.
  • Provide the popular products for you to sell
  • Selling method is flexible, it could be a connection on your blog, or a BBS message, also it could be on your facebook, twitter, or your business website.
  • Vendor will take charge of all material for you to promotion.
  • We offer affiliate programs through MyCommerce, they will transfer all the money you earned to your account as third party.

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If you are already a MyCommerce affliate, just log into your MyCommerce affiliate account and search for our products. Our vendor ID on MyCommerce ShareIt platform is 200279163, product ID of PCUnlocker Enterprise is 300880519. All new affiliates are automatically approved, so you can start making money right away instead of wasting time on asking for permission to sell products!

Products Commission PAD URL
Password Recovery Bundle 50% bundlepwd.xml
PCUnlocker 50% windowspwd.xml
KeyFinder Plus 50% mspkey.xml
Video Converter Assist 50% videoconverter.xml
Lock My Folders 50% lockmyfolders.xml
Protect My Folders 50% protectmyfolders.xml
iTunesKey 50% ituneskey.xml
Outlook Password Recovery 50% outlookpwd.xml
Outlook Express Password Recovery 50% outlookexpresspwd.xml
Email Password Recovery 50% mailpwd.xml
SQL Server Password Changer 50% sqlserverpwd.xml
Access Password Recovery 50% accesspwd.xml
PDF Password Recovery 50% pdfpwd.xml
Word Password Recovery 50% wordpwd.xml
Excel Password Recovery 50% excelpwd.xml
PowerPoint Password Recovery 50% powerpointpwd.xml
ZIP Password Recovery 50% zippwd.xml
RAR Password Recovery 50% rarpwd.xml
MSN Password Recovery 50% msnpwd.xml
MySpace Password Recovery 50% myspacepwd.xml
AIM Password Recovery 50% aimpwd.xml
Google Talk Password Recovery 50% gtpwd.xml
Miranda Password Recovery 50% mirandapwd.xml
Trillian Password Recovery 50% trillianpwd.xml
Paltalk Password Recovery 50% paltalkpwd.xml
IE Password Recovery 50% iepwd.xml
Firefox Password Recovery 50% firefoxpwd.xml
Opera Password Recovery 50% operapwd.xml
Asterisk Password Recovery 50% asteriskpwd.xml
FTP Password Recovery 50% ftppwd.xml
Dialup Password Recovery 50% dialuppwd.xml
ISO2Disc Freeware iso2disc.xml
TakeOwnershipPro Freeware takeownership.xml
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